Sunday, May 11, 2008

Healthy Eating Sloagns

Article on "La Repubblica" What a pity

Uè guys, great success. These days son0 out very positive articles about the book, is that the Republic on Courier. Publicly thank the authors, Marco and Alessandra Lombardi Amitrano, which we have been treated with a respect that goes far beyond our merits . For now, only one spot appeared on the Republic, also waiting for the Grim arrivals in the online version.

Publish books bet Cyrus and Mark

Republic - May 9, 2008 page 22 section: NAPLES

"Serving God" (120 pages, € 8.90) and "Airbag" (136 pages, € 8.90) are the first titles of publisher "to the east of the 'Equator' or the 'exciting challenge of Cyrus and Mark Marino. 23 and 28 years, proudly by Ponticelli, the desire to publish books without asking for money, only the 'ideal signing a shared love of literature that addresses the reality with rigor and irony. The first volume collects stories of Richard Brun, Maurizio de Giovanni, Peppe Lanzetta, Luca Maiolino, Ciro Marino, Angelo and Andrew Santojanni joist with a preface by Max Smith, editor of "east of the 'equator'. The second is a novel by Gianni Solla, blogger Naples pretty well known and the author of a story that illustrates some theories of perception, from McLuhan to cyberpunk, with a protagonist disturbatissimo who happen to intercept, in 'TV audio, telephone conversations of other strange characters, beginning with an obese woman beaten by her husband, continuing lame, luxury ring, tango dancers and skinheads. The finish is a tribute to those emotional and cognitive maps provided by city and bust a cold place, devoid of authentic communication, now replaced by the impersonal imperatives of the virtual. In the seven pieces dedicated instead to as many deadly sins, the style is moved to the presence of absolute beginners (Maiolino, talent keep an 'eye), semiesordienti (Marino), young fairly well established (Brun, Petrella, Santojanni), and Senators like John and Lanzetta de,' s I think most of the putative father of our own writers between twenty and thirty years. It went from almost pedophile designed by Marino as a tribute to 'inevitability of how to live in such a way to sexuality' stingy dotted with classical composure de Giovanni; by 'angry of Brun Franz Lanzetta and signed to the superb' man - jealous - Train portrayed by Santojanni. I suggest a break from the more thoughtful parts of the greedy, the work of Maiolino in a sentimental vein, even compared to the wickedness of his colleagues, and of 'slothful, the type Petrella human to give a perfect comic at times, modeling it on himself, a writer struggling with other writers idle, rowdy, hungry, horny, on average. A human comedy bonsai that perhaps sums up the creativity of the publishing house and its current heroes. - MARCO LOMBARDI
