Friday, June 26, 2009

Messenger Screen Name Mac

1958 - 2009 TG1

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hair Weave Side Fringe


According Minzolini is not news, because it hides its viewers: I do a tour of clicks on the internet ...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Light Brown Mucus Before Period

galaxy upside down

Perhaps, given the experience of past years, one could reasonably imagine that it would be impossible to fall lower, and instead the organizers of the Gutenberg Galaxy 2009 (Liguori publisher) this year have managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel. No particular event, no sign indicating the presence of the fair (some people have arrived from outside the station at sea and closer they started to have serious doubts that the Galaxy should take place there, not finding any indication), publicizing the event will not speak. The editors were very few, 95% of Campania, of which some only publish books written by priests, others were 20 copies of print on demand title, almost all were paid and provided with a catalog shameful. And who was in possession of the biggest stands? The usual historical brands of the territory, whose editorial policy of recent years has resulted in death, and who now seek to bring the entire publishing bell in his grave, because they remain the only ones to attract the funds of the region, removing the few healthy energy resources, which of those borrowings would culture, instead of their own pocket . Speaking of money ... as Liguori will have spent the avalanche of money that would serve to organize the Galaxy? Is unknown. Because the point is that all these individuals who continue to stick to the coffers of the province to make aggressive treatment in spite of its apparent brain death, should not be accountable to anyone for what they produce with the money. And here comes the inaction of the authorities makes it possible this act of vampirism, taking care only to spend the money available, no action to control how it is spent.

Of course the show has been deserted by the people, and publishers have had losses exceeding 70%, what happens when a show does not offer anything, the tickets with no free (as happens in Turin), and Publishers frightening from the desert of buyers discounts do not apply. I'm curious to know who has the courage to recur next year.

only positive presentation of the gifted by "East of the Equator" (yes, they are too close to the publishing house to make the praise, but I appeal to Morning, who noted the uniqueness of the event) with a splendid performance of the A67, a musical group whose board to draw near. Among other things, to the east was one of the only ones to offer discounts on books.
For the rest, nothing new under the sun. From the city of ghosts is everything.