High School March 8: A meeting to remember
face not less than one hundred and fifty young students, although on two occasions, it is not just an experience, especially when it is separated by a jump of two generations, and when the argument is perhaps the one that can meet their immediate interests.
Before the meeting I had thought that the most insidious barrier would be determined by the language. I admit that they are not accustomed to the way of communicating the teen-ager and the big fear was not to be able to establish an age pervaded by the turmoil of rapid change the essential bridge to link the banks of two worlds distant objects. Not so.
The strength of youth is overwhelming and contagious and it was really a matter of a few moments to get in tune with them and establish a empathize visible - so it seemed - in the great attention that the young students of high school on March 8 have demonstrated during the conversation. I have to imagine that live hear what can cause an author to write a novel as the idea that then translates into the fabric of the narrated events, how to build the characters, has been for all of them the opportunity to enter a dimension which, as readers, live and experience the final product: the book.
I have no difficulty in admitting that I probably have received from them much more than has been able to provide. I will stay inside, like a living example of that experience and significant, the moment when, having reached the end, a girl who prevented her from making a temporary aphonia aloud the question came up to me to ask:
"How is it possible for a boy his age and came to think, talk a girl and act my age? "
Obviously the question is not gone unanswered. However that question, in the purity of immediacy and authenticity obviously his youth, led me to reflect and come to the conclusion that the experience of different age is not buried by time and is ready to emerge on the surface even if we keep the 'humility to want to savor. But I'd
that the impressions from the meeting are the same young people who participated to make their voices heard ... So, do not be hesitant to intervene. I'm waiting ...