A tapestry woven on a knife
About tapestries, as well as the one mentioned by his friend Red, I would like to bring to the attention of the friends of the blog and another earliest example of such artistic products, exemplary of which is track during the fifteenth century with a character that "The Lady of the village" mentions in passing in the first few pages. The character in question is the Knight Antoine de La Sale, who, on May 18, 1420, go on a Monti Sibillini, going right into the cave where the legend wanted to stay, as the Apennine Sibyl, Dominica, queen of the fairies and protector of the place and giver of archaic knowledge, especially related to the virtues of medicinal and therapeutic herbs.
Antoine de La Sale is said to have made the journey in italic districts to act on the wishes expressed by the Duchess of Bourbon, eager to learn from the most popular voices in some news about the mysterious Sibyl and also verify that the mountains of the area, surrounding Lake Pilate, were those represented nell'arazzo in his possession. In fact, the tapestry reproduces, albeit in a stylized way, the characteristic profile of Monte Sibilla and the one on Mount Carrier that opposes the first.
Now that the design of a tapestry in itself has caused such a curiosity in the soul of the Duchess Agnes de Bourbon, to the point of pushing the proper de La Sale to venture into a long and uncertain outcome, playing well strange. Unless you give credit to the hypothesis that the echo of the Apennine Sibyl el'alone of mystery that surrounded the icon at the time had much more resonance than you are willing to concede today.
therefore every reason to think that the charm of an archaic Feminine has never switched off completely in the flow of time and perhaps it is no coincidence that the ancient alchemists attach to their enigmatic science attribute lady par excellence. It will also be why, according to legend, the alchemists led to devote their texts on the shores of the lake because of Pilate, propitious for the stars and the magical influence of the Lady, the same texts that open up or tighten the locks and the secrets their owners to prove the mysteries of science otherwise impenetrable.
charm and magic of a time gone by.
Today human beings are too distracted and too emancipated to give credence to the myth and to devote their attention to a piece of evidence considered, perhaps too casually, a residue of infantile humanity gullible.