Friday, October 29, 2010

Desert Eagle For Sale Mn

Presentation of Mary Power of De Carlo event October 15, 2010 One year

Dear friends,
propose to your attention the introductory note to the presentation of "The Lady of the village" written by Maria De Carlo at the event of power 15-10
us Happy reading!

"When a book in one sentence, a word, takes you back to other images, other memories, causing great circuit, then, only then shines the value of a text. Like a painting, sculpture or monument that text will enrich not only immediately, but will outline the essence. " I make my own the words of Giulio Einaudi to describe the novel by Ennio Valtergano "The Lady of the village."
To this his first novel Valtergano reached the highest peaks of the narrative as it meant that the reader - and bear my testimony - as if by magic (the same if anything that flutters in the novel) came into the story as a character invisible through the places of the characters and their lives with the story and the same anxiety or waiting for the new! With Ennio
Valtergano and his "Lady of the village ..." I took a trip and all trips as you return home enriched and knowledge, and the beauty of places and especially since you changed back the spirit opens a new dimension by allowing a change occurs. Perhaps because along with the characters we see their anxiety and the path that leads them to change.
The place where the story takes place is not fancy. And the characters mentioned refer to a story and a past. Ennio Valtergano breathed the history and the land where he lives. E 'part. It is left to excite from those places to the point of being absorbed! Novel
colorful, multifaceted, the plot with a plot hatched plots .... and it is not my only one word game! You will see from reading!
Recall just a few suggestions. The novel
Ennio Valtergano is "magic" to the pages of poetry or suggestive description as stated on pg. 195: "The heavy snowfall was lying with equanimity the uniform coat soft and muffled, whose dazzling white spread as far as the eye can see. Only the extreme edge of the horizon was transformed into the white pearly gray with a faint mist, linking up to the more intense and compact, the sky still full of snow. " A description that feeds the imagination with the perception of colors or perfumes. It 'a novel that invites to meditation through the psychological insight of the characters, and even in history - if you think the pages of the Inquisition and some characters of the Renaissance period -.
The novel "The Lady of the village" passion, creates a suspense of not less than a detective story. Murder .... .... poisoning puzzles ......, characters that roam the night hooded ....: reiterate my invitation to read.
But there is so much sweetness in the daily life of some characters, sweetness in the faces (visual impact on the skill of the author) and words. As well as the tenderness
hovering invisible as well provided by some of the characters through their words and actions Eliside, Isabella and Lucrezia and then also from the same Corinda and Clarence.
There is a shallowness in the magistrate Don Costanzo, but there is hope because everything will have to win justice, goodness personified by his sister Grace.
It 's a novel that I would suggest to everyone - no exceptions, and maybe even a director for a good movie - if anything, with special attention to schools because it helps to reread the novel several times in history, tradition and thought human from the Renaissance (the age of change, a new way of understanding the world and themselves. E ' the era in which they develop the ideas of humanism, we affirm the dignity of human beings), the local tradition on the legends related to the Monte Sibilla .,.... and thoughts go out to Antoine de la Sale (French writer ' 400 patrolling those areas and created a map). But the name Sybil is a good fairy, seer and sorceress .... may be the lady of the village. And Eliside (after Giselle central character in the novel), I speak of the name, reminiscent of the work of the troubadour Elisena Tuscan Andrea da Barberino "The Guerrin Meschino.
And the name of the heroine Giselle, the author seems to have played with renowned ballet based on the novel "De l'Allemagne" Heinrich Heine, attracted by the legend of the Wilis (spirits of the Slavic tradition) term that has Slavic roots, Vila and that means fairy. Nothing is left to chance by the author!
The novel through the characters becomes the possibility of reflection on the path of growth and search for meaning, as happens to Ben, the boyfriend of Giselle (p. 115): those who want to be? "... The man can determine their own choices and thus forge their own destiny, or the faded copy of the personality of the father and mother together, forever dependent on the patterns and unknowingly inherited from them."
There is the human soul laid bare - for good or evil of his intentions -. There is the wickedness of man (on greed, possession, to push the animal instinct of slander or violence), and the wickedness of women is described in terms of envy or jealousy towards the rival, I think Gorgona. Very magnanimous
the author, very good, very much on the woman! As if to describe a victim of abuse that is institutionalized sexism.
the men she meets Giselle, and not just the women, it is processed. It 's a meeting marking. The woman can change a man's life and makes it into the well.
It 's the good received that transforms us. Giselle says: "Sometimes the suffering is the way that the divine law forces us to take to accelerate our growth, for our good health and pro populi. " A statement that resonates among Anselmo da Sassoferrato like vertigo: "All at once the statute was clear: the good was not an abstract concept, and above all it was not an end in itself. The good of the individual makes sense only if placed in service to that of others ...".
background also Ficino and love understood as a circular motion through which God is lost in the world because of his infinite goodness, and then again to produce in men the desire to be reunited with him
But it can also be blind and stubborn as Don Costanzo ...
Giselle tells Don Costanzo: "You, rather, think about how miserable your life has become! Clouded by lust, you miserable and stuck in a cul-de-sac ...".
The men have learned the novel by a woman, have learned to look within, to meet to receive them. It 'been a change.
, Maria De Carlo
; journalist of "The Newspaper of Basilicata"

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sleeping Milena Velba

At the end of September our blog has taken a year of life and I must say that in terms of viability, perhaps I did not expect much. In fact, the evidence went well beyond expectations and some numbers will be far more eloquent than words could be.
Ten thousand contacts in a year means an average of more than thirty visits per day, with peaks at times of over a hundred visits a day.
Beyond the number of visits, rather surprisingly, the number of interventions recorded: more than a thousand (including mine), so no less than six hundred comments posted by visitors to this unusual meeting space. They
recorded over one hundred different nick name for many different presumed visitors. Four of them remained anonymous. Some visitors have taken place only once or at most two (the meteors of the blog) and others have been seen time to time. There were also requests "packaged" with behavior, I would say, "quantum" in the sense that for a given visitor there were several interventions in a space of time and then nothing, or to return months later and under similar conditions. In general, I noticed that the measures in the first burst following a short time, then intervenes drowsiness, during which I have not yet figured out if the visitor is absent only from commenting on the blog or in all respects.
Finally there are the "loyal", very few have to say, but those who keep alive the blog. Real friends from the unknown face, and with whom among them has woven a relationship going far beyond the limits of "virtual".
However, beyond the numbers, there is another aspect that was the real surprise: the geographical origin of the link. Here's what it is.
Besides the obvious connections from Italy and other EU countries (Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, the Netherlands), are guided by Ireland, Switzerland, United States of America, Argentina, Brazil and even the Russian Federation.
So if I were not afraid of sin of presumption, I would say that our planet has a blog.
What about instead of content?
On these I leave to you the word. In the end it was you with your ideas to elucidate the orientation, which has gone far beyond the original purpose of creating an enclosed space to the novel, its characters and its history. On the other hand, the subtitle of the blog speaks of "an interactive space to exchange ideas, thoughts and comments on the characters and themes of the narrative. And not only ... '.
Here, behind that "not only" we could be of everything. And so it was.

good attendance to all of you. Review all account and for a long time.