Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dragonball Z Yaoi Blog

an innocent sales promotion for the friends of the blog

We thank the friends of the blog for the sympathy shown to date against this modest virtual space, I like to tell you, unless they have already done that, which has been completed the revision of the second novel, if you speak about the aftermath of the events narrated in the first. Title I leave it for a while 'shrouded in mystery, I can only say that draws a little interest manifested by his Milascolano several times and refers to an event that happened in the Montefeltro 26 January 1496.
to you to identify which event and it is possible to imagine this title. The first ten who were "hit" the exact title will receive a copy of the novel when it is published.
The initiative will end when at least ten visitors have indicated the right title, that only then will be shared with all.
For the determination of the top ten will be attested by the order of publication (day, hour and minute) of the title in the blog.

Good luck!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Flamin Hot Cheetos Wiki

Into battle we ride ... Marco

February 20 and March 20 two dates that share the password agonism.
The stage next month will see us engaged in the Salento Jiu Jitsu Cup competition organized by our friend Salvatore Costantini.
's appointment of March sees the scene instead of grappling with the national championship in 2011 ... the baptism in the first series for a subject of our team.

Good luck guys!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pinnacle Tv Centre Pro Wont Work On Windows 7

Galzenati to Nova Invicta ...

This morning we had the pleasure and honor to host the shelter Galzenati our friend Marco, accompanied by super lota Renato Avallone, to stage a forerunner for what will be a series of events monthly visitor will see the old man of our gym.
Marco is an extremely well prepared and taught with a didactic model, the ability to transmit a technique, with all its details, seems to be really a vocation for a Christian, at home on the mat as a professor on the board, Mr. Galzenati is the Black & Decker in jiu jitsu, a real drill able to break even in the minds buggy as the average visitor to our kennel ... a teacher seriously and able! AVE Mestre, long life, and that c holds Gruosso YES!!
... because many like to talk about and admire the curriculum IBJJF competitive "branded" by a teacher (rather than dwell on the teaching skills of these), it must be said, in all honesty of information, that the hominid Marco Galzenati was the only Italian to win the open category and brown belts in the world IBJJF in Brazil is the first CAMIPIONE COMMITTEE (always IBJJF) IN OPEN CLASS AND IN THE BLACK BELT ... Good Galzenati has no flaws in terms of education, has no flaws in terms of capacity of fitness (the coyote has also graduated from ISEF by a vote of 110 cum laude) ... but to shoot himself on the poses you will permit me, with much uminltà, to recommend a series of instructional videos of this gentleman ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Ultimate Element Crossword Answers

February 20, 2011 ... Jiu Jitsu!

Salvatore Costantini (Italy Mesa League Jiu Jitsu) is working in the best way to give us a round of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is properly done.
all the info you'll find by clicking the logo on the right.
For Dogs ... I recommend the massive presence there schiatterò with the preparation ... have you read?! The "master" of the team ranked first s'abbusca rich one thousand euros!
slaves toil, hard work!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Supertux 2 No More Mr Ice Guy Help

Article on "Calabria hours" of December 31, 2010 Roberta Pino

Yet a review for Friends of the blog. The article of December 31, 2010, published in Calabria now "signed by the journalist Mark Commands.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

One Year Death Anniversary Invitation

article on "The Daily" in Reggio Calabria 29/12/2010

Shows, for the friends of the blog, the article by journalist Robert Pine, of "The Daily" of Reggio Calabria, which followed the interview took place in the author Presenting the book at the Library "Pietro De Nava on 28 December. The event was hosted by the Cultural Anassilaos. Moderator was President Dr. Stephen Iorfida, presenter of the rapporteur and the volume Prof. Francesca Blacks.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Paint Can Use Inside A Microwave

review on "the magazine Lucano "N ° 72 December 2010

Click on image to enlarge, click again to enlarge further

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Caramel Highlights For Dark Hair

time visits ... Paul Sabia

Gianfranco Thanks to Stephen and Damian Head and Current for us again honored by their presence in the gym. Gianfranco
deserved its four notches on the white, wishing her to be able to form a study group that will allow it to grow further along with her son Damian. A
Stefano do a huge good luck for the Lisbon European SCHIATTAGLI THE HEAD!
I take this opportunity to greet the new Master Grappling with Angelo Marino (Monkey Team Forlì) congratulating him on receiving the title and winning the Italian Open Grappling (Milano) ... brother I'm sorry that we did not get caught around the gym! At least I left you in good company as the only workout you did to us was a good session with our struggle Ciruzzo!

PS David you're a jerk ... You are THE asshole!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Descargar Brazilian Gradma

Hold small samurai ... strength and courage.
I give you the 'Highlight Kenny Florian, a man without muscles Overeem, without the face of murderous Walderlei Silva, without the charisma of Chuck Liddell, an armed combatant "only" fighting spirit which enabled him to emerge and become a great champion.
Good luck Paul ... we are all with you.