Monday, March 31, 2008

Catchy Name For Consignment Store

An evening god

Saturday, March 29 has been my literary debut with the submission to the Gutenberg Galaxy anthology all the fault of god, which is a in my story. The evening went well beyond all expectations. First, the room was packed and not because of family and friends, who are almost all out rimastri (since space is not enough!). The books are sold out and the project has had fantastic success, especially among professionals. This what the publisher does not pay (in Naples!) Has left everyone with an inch of his nose. I know Diego de Silva and I shook hands with Wu ming3! We have done a thousand compliments. The actual presentation, then, was brilliant: the laughter and applause could be heard a lot of distance from the room (especially when reading the story of Angelo Petrella, fucking fantastic writer). Maurizio de Giovanni, writer and man infinite (I can not find a better adjective), has honored me by reading an excerpt from my story, and I nearly fainted. Then came my time to speak: I had prepared a beautiful speech and fully significant that, when put into operation the microphone is now migrated to a distant region of my mind, leaving me to shoot crap. I was so nervous that at some point, to make the kind loose, I made the gesture of pointing the elbow on the table, but I failed miserably! Figure assured of shit ... (I hope no one has noticed;))


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