Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Myspace Chelsea-charms

A precise duties

is appropriate, as well as a duty, return to the blog its connotation of origin and the character with which he had presented to the public at first operation: a blog created to establish a contact with potential readers direct and discuss with them amicably, the themes related to a literary event for more in gestation. But even more than this, and if anything, taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the event itself, there was - and still is - the idea of \u200b\u200boffering an open space, not bounded by any kind of ideological boundaries within which to confront with the ability to communicate, but also with a willingness to listen. So, not an arena of confrontation, let alone a stage on which claims to represent unscheduled apologetic.
On the other hand, it is understandable that at certain periods that have marked too tragically the course of our civilization there may be differences of interpretation and stances hotly: is human, even if scientifically questionable. The assertion that "history is never separated from the men who make it is to be signed without reservation. Likewise, I add, the institutions, all institutions, in every age and every sector of the human family are related, whether religious, political, social, not abstract entities - "reified" they say in sociology - but an expression, for good or worse, in the magnitude as in human misery, of men running through the discount and historically. History, cultural anthropology, sociology, together with other disciplines, are powerful means of investigation, the use prudent, balanced and non-instrumental allows them, among other things, to develop unbiased interpretations and thus determine, for the observer that he should serve a privileged position and must be characterized by the detachment evaluation absolutely necessary if you are interested in understanding and not judging, processes and facts relating to the journey of man on the planet.
Human institutions - because all human institutions - do not come to an autonomous and spontaneous creative act, and likewise, the cultural significance which is its heritage is not "mixed" and ready to use even when its origin myths before. It is stratified over time, by virtue of successive injections of those who represent the institutions at different levels. Therefore, their history can only be the story of the events they produce and the facts, as already mentioned, in turn, can not be separated from men. What then happens, sometimes or often (historically one can not help but take note), to which those facts are related to "bestiality egoreferente", and has been effectively pointed out, this is not surprising and especially should not lead us to withdraw into positions mystifying or documents. The human being is neither divine nor diabolical, or if you prefer, is one and the other thing together. Personally I am inclined to believe that the human being, and with it the human species, is simply going in, but with the power to exercise free choice, therefore, retains the responsibility along with freedom for their actions. Liability which can not be exorcised downloading it on external factors, whether natural or presumed divine.
All this said, no one is asked to share one position or another: identify with this or that idea is part of the individual path, which is a consequence of its history and is closely homologous to the structure and its individual nature. And while this in itself should be sufficient respect. At the same time, however, no one has even asked to judge this or that position. This blog, let us not forget that takes its cue from an initiative which claims to cultural considerations, to be a home for all, but of all those who recognize themselves in mutual respect and tolerance, which is not understood, at least by those who writes as hypocritical appeasement but as prerequisite of openness. It should perhaps be repeated: the comparison, though hard, not necessarily degenerate into conflict, and never a personal one. The discussion on the diversity of views leads to enlargement of the horizon and this is an objective visual enrichment.
Anyone who thinks they can bring to these few indications of civil partnership is welcome. Otherwise, retains the freedom to go and knock on more doors and get into other houses, where guests will certainly find rooms and responsive to their attitudes.
handicapped in this way the soil from confusion over the present and future, your Ennio awaits you with the enthusiasm and interest than ever.


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