To all the friends of the blog, the friends who frequent it with diligence and genuine brighten with the transport of their specific comments, to the friends who frequent it with diligence and that only occasionally make their voices heard ; to the friends who frequent it assiduously and who prefer to observe and reflect in silence, friends that are sporadic, and should look; friends younger but no less welcome in the rooms of the blog, but unknown to all of you guests of this family home virtual, but not for this - I hope - less warm and welcoming, the wishes of serenity and joy.
Another year, the eternal present, start at the end and with it a piece of real life comes in the size of memories and experience. So, come in a different way of being part of this and give meaning to time, the only real, valuable and immeasurable resource existence.
For all of you, and indeed for all of us, the time is propitious for good.
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