male and female separate universes at home?
interesting recent comments posted by some friends, readers - and the replicas that have followed - have put the emphasis, in tones often "lively", apparently not remedied the dichotomy between "feminine" and "masculine." Old problem, you say, and not even new to the blog. In fact, just go back a few posts on the subject to find work rather well peppered. However, on closer, it is noted that for some time the question seemed to want to make a breakthrough, mainly due to the considerations developed by some of the most frequent visitors of this virtual space. Well, for what you've read so far, it seems too obvious that the difference between male and female, as has been paid, is not just a gender distinction but extends to the strict two universes, each comprising several dimensions: biological, psychological, cultural and others ... But even
here it is - I agree - a well-known and well-known aspects on which it would not be worth spending more time and words. Except that, according to the latest recent post, all penned by hand feminine, the feminine and the masculine would be condemned to remain separated without hope to join (please some readers usually accustomed to punzecchiatine sarcastic at least abstain in this case).
So two universes originated from a common Mother - Nature - living in the same house - also made available by Mother Nature - but irreconcilable in the substance of the fund. The contact, where there is, is only skin and is resolved in the texture of social relationships (often asymmetrical and may no peer), in family relationships (with position still widely employed for the woman), in the performance of reproductive function (not likely, this, to be misused) or accessory partner. Beyond this, the rift between the two worlds is and remains a clear and unassailable. Worse, neither is there any way by one of two (one male) even if only to understand the essence of reflection. Useless, therefore, that the man cares in vain undertaking. Awaits him, inexorable failure and every attempt will be shown for what it is: a momentum just wishful thinking. This is in the best case, ie when the momentum is in response to a genuine impulse to know: to learn to love consciously. In other cases it would mean a further pretext to pursue for transgressors against women. To "place [her] even in the soul", was written.
So what? So let's start from the novel.
The spirit and the idea of \u200b\u200bunderlying fund "The Lady of the village" are not, or were at the time of writing, tools borrowed with the intent to develop in a subtle and surreptitious abuse of power against a new universe of women. We should instead take the authenticity of the tension towards a mysterious and ancestral size, size, looked almost with delight, with decency and respect - yes, in comparison - and as a response to the call even when the male ancestral figure to ignore. And that although thousands of years and for thousands of years the same men have done everything to betray in the most cowardly, childish and mad that call for, after all, is the call to loving Mother son. So, have any aspiration. And even a new rape, this time consumed on the floor and the shelter of literary freedom.
The first idea that has managed and brought to "The Lady of the village" from the beginning wanted to animate the pages of this blog, an attempt to repeat here that it was no longer lonely, restricted solely to the author's ideals and longings the curiosity of some unlikely player. It is thought that the same idea and the same spirit could be shared and shared here, perhaps fueling further reflection and proposing other ways, most notably those of desirable attended. In a nutshell, the idea is as follows: to stimulate the reader a greater awareness on the issue of women's dignity. Unfortunately ever present problem, as some events remind us almost daily.
action, therefore, directed to both sexes without distinction and without prejudice. Small action, but without excessive demands of another strong awareness of the realities of the world and the woman of today, as well as the historical reality that led to aberrations past and current perspective.
However, I also know that the real world is transformed as a result of ideas, even if the ideas take time, long before they produce some visible result. This was
the minimum program.
The facts then they surpassed the expectations of very touched and have perhaps unusual aspects of the problem. It just happens to be on those women who have made their voices heard.
Personally, I do not care catalog the socio-cultural background on which are projected some of the views expressed. I think it's more appealing to the true end of the question emerged: the cosmos is really inaccessible to women? If so, why? If no, under what terms and conditions under which it can unfold its understanding? And with what consequences, if any, for him and the further development of the human species? The old aphorism according
which is the One in All and All is in either is true or not. But if true, how is it that the One is in all but one part, the male?
The splitting of the spell must have been imposed at some point in the plane of the event of necessity. Unfortunately, I imagine that the result of the division has propagated as primal instinct to its separation in the part that came after, one female, to characterize it as an anthropological tract distinctive. No coincidence that the collective representation of the divine has changed over time, at a later time, male morphology, before the divine that was separate from the whole, ie the Nature Naturante, to then be relegated to the metaphysical as ontological reality in itself. Fact, this very significant and that says far too long.
Or not?
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