Friday, February 4, 2011

Clear Discharge When Erect

I'd like to ...

... mmm ... sigh ... SOB! I became just a provider of technical or ... almost!
do not know the status of my "colleagues" but my 36 years I feel all of them, I do not know whether it is a question of work-related stress, the administrative sector is at once beautiful and draws a great deal of energy which could be directed to tatami, or if I simply softened! The fact is that in the gym, while maintaining a minimum rate of 8 fights in class, I'm having a lot of trouble ... when I struggle I try not to think, but I am perfectly aware that my body responds in a large delay to those who should be "the automatic".
I wish I had twenty years or better, having lived in the twenty Jiu Jitsu as we can live today ...
I'd like to have a less stressful job, perhaps
STATE ... I would like, always on the mat the kennel, be on the other part of the lesson ...
I would not always think of what to do but do what someone else tells me ... I wish David
not devour my patience by the ever-jerk while I explain ... I'd like
that Galileo will not be lost in the maze of "magic" of the network (so to speak) and read the important emails ... I'd like
Christian Ceccarelli was more Christian and less
... I'd love to see Cyrus and especially with a REAL already integrated!
I'd like Sherman reached the maturity of at least an eighteen year old "mature enough"
... There are so many things I like, but overall I can not complain ... the kennel is a great place to "age" competitive

Lately I've ... feeling in the car Mago de Oz, Finisterra for the accuracy, Gaia and Gaia II, it's amazing Spain has an exceptional group that makes music in their mother tongue making money ... we have that in Italy Ligabue herder!

What are you doing in the midst of all these people
you who want or ultimately do not give a damn lot of you are looking
displaced by a light with no future other
stretch would keep them in the dark you'll burn
Little Star ...
MAYBE !!!!!! !!!!!

Sherman Ps you do not break my balls, Area and Demetrio Stratos!

David punished for repeated coglionaggine shown on the mat ...


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