Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Eton Beamer 2 Derestrict

It has always been fighters ...

How many individual sports can boast of an 'aggregation as that present in Jiu Jitsu?
Tennis, golf, archery, like so many individual sports, provide an individual training and then are discarded regardless.
The other combat sports? Maybe ... but I miss so much.
Sports percussion, unlike the struggle, do not create harmony between comrades in arms, in fact there are many phases of the training they see as a collaborator machine (bag, rope, tennis ball), maybe a difference in the fight you create a more visceral relationship with the teacher, this is a beautiful thing, the boxer (to quote a discipline whatever) often seeks in his second father "all the security in order to fight in the ring ... But
jiu jistu, what else has the jiu jitsu than other combat sports they see a team behind the individual athlete? How come almost all the gyms in the practitioners' Arte Suave creating a spirit of cohesion that resist almost all the difficulties?
I personally believe that the true strength of this discipline, which can be defined as viral, both in principle the need to have a body to use for work and the outline that accompanies it during training (jokes, laughs, and took the piss out of several) , and then expands and makes us jiu jitsu fighters outside the mat.
If you are used to bring compared to the gym every day, to manipulate the joints of running mates with a risky techniques to avoid more damage to this quiet, if you have the humility to beat ten, twenty, a hundred times in maintaining their physical fitness and taking the objective consciousness length of road that we still have to go to become good wrestlers, you acquire the maturity that necessarily take us outside the mat. In my view this state of mind, combined the incredible beauty that is in the fight, leading to the very strong dependence with respect to a typical Brazilian Jiu Jistu that turns into Jiu Jitsu personnel when such dependence is also influenced by the environment in whom it is practiced.
Obviously the morons are everywhere and therefore also in (and chief) Jiu Jitsu gyms, but this "normality" helps make this special discipline or rather this gift that the Gracie family has made available to those who want
benefit ... It is always good wrestlers ...

Jiu Jitsu to all ... even the dickheads!

Nova Invicta II Grappling Cup ... Incoming!


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