Friday, September 21, 2007

How To Build A Wall Mount Bar Table

The genesis of the equator, and other rumors about God

Hello! My name is Tommy and I am a black dot that goes around a long sheet. The paper is white and goes to infinity, and I'm running over with all his might, until they are breathless. Then I stop and I pause for a while. It is a race in my damn life! I am all day with my friends supervelocissimi, which are three dots that blacks and what to me are spherical and fast, and our black shining armor when we meet by chance a ray of light coming from the west. We dots slap us! I was born one day, somehow, even my friends who know nothing. Lucio, one of them, for a time had claimed that God was the creator of everything I tell you who it was, repeatedly. This is the big boss himself, he is just that I'm talking about. But Franz, who was another black dot like us, seemed to be in possession of very sensitive information, and whispered with great caution .- It is impossible, I say. HE has yet to be born. I know for sure. It takes time for these things. Need the right amount of feelings negative, do not forget it, otherwise, what ever we need a God? -
Lucio was not very excited about this release, but after a while, 'he convinced himself, while the July debate was quite indifferent. I followed his line, especially since July I liked a lot. I do not care anything about the theological questions at me, I just wanted to walk with July.
For some time we had chosen a name for each individual, because it had seemed like a nice thing to do. Before the arrival of the names was quite depressing here. Everyone was rolling on his own from one part of the paper, and since each was the same as everybody else, ended up being "all others", and this feeling meant that anyone should wish to make friends. But when we decided on the names, everything was different, because at one point everyone had something unique that could be shared with the other dots, each dot and wanted to get that something from others. We began to feel an explosion inside, and we knew that it was our character that was forming. Thus friendships and from that day we rolled in groups. One problem remained, however: although in changed (in our mind, so to speak), we continued to appear in the physical are absolutely identical, so everyone knew his name but no one could be sure of the name of the other. We had to always ask for security.
One day I asked if it was really July July, and when I said yes I took a ride the two of us, with Franz Lucio and we were watching from afar. They were jealous, those two, but they knew how things turned and certainly not turned on their side. She was in front of me and I was in front of her. I felt I was going to happen to something new and exciting, and I realized that July wanted to make it happen quickly, you could read it to him on the reflection's magnetic shield, but at that moment, the instant before they touch our bodies, I realized the terrible ambiguity of the situation that he brought with him. I remembered, in fact, that the choice names had been completely arbitrary. I mean, how did I know that it was indeed a "July" and not for themselves but have a close relationship with a "Charles" or something? Damn it, there was no way to check. So, dominated by anxiety cosmic Intimae the alleged July to abide away, or reduce you in a nice cube and ready, I said. She was frightened and that made me feel guilty, so I said, okay, if you really want to stay, come, as long as you're careful not to touch me. But she wanted to leave the same, in fact, my suspicion that those statements did nothing to upset her further, rather than bring it to a new and healthy spiritual calm, a result that instead I would have expected to get. He wanted to walk a bit 'on his own. She said she needed time to think. Was this an attempt to prove once and for all her femininity, since only a woman could come from a request so foolish? I must admit that I thought, but I came to the conclusion that it was worth the risk. As I rolled away pointed to a white point where we would meet again later. But since there was nothing to indicate which (because no one had invented the fingers) and even if she did would show a white dot identical to the rest of the paper, which ended July never returned back even though I had continued to wait for all the time. When I explained the story to the boys, they wanted my ass. They were really angry, because they said to be haunted by the prospect of eternal loneliness that was waiting for our friend. Balle!, I say. They were tormented by the thought of not more potersela ingroppare, that's what. I also tried to enlighten them on the matter of names, but it was no use, such as those with two obtuse. So I had these two dots on his heels ready to skin me, and I was all alone in the middle of a sheet. They were dicks!, Even if I did not know what they were.
The first attack was to Franz, who took a short run and then come to me on at full speed, ramming on one side. We flew in both directions, and then falling back into the paper. I came out unscathed from the collision as a miracle, while Franz found himself one side by a deep furrowed gray line. He almost did not make me out. An inch in the center and, poof, goodbye Tommy, the young black dot and sexy. I could not believe it. And they, until recently, were my friends! My only and most dear friends! Already the next attack could be lethal. I was scared to death.
I saw that Lucius was about to take a run, rolling slowly backwards. Then he seemed to hesitate and then stopped. I realized what was happening, thank God. I had also experienced a great sense of communion with Lucio, when Franz had become a black dot with a gray line drawn on one side. I had no gray lines and I knew that we had not even Lucio, and this simple fact was enough to make us feel more united. Suddenly both hungered make out Franz, Franz and also would like to get their hands on him, but he was the only dot stripes across the sheet and could not do a damn thing. So I started chasing him and Lucio, and when we managed to catch him we had already made on both sides, and with a great running start crushing in the middle. The impact was terrible and we all explode at once, spreading ourselves endlessly over the entire sheet, which became a huge black spot without perceivable boundaries. We were not dead though! But it was also very sad because, even though there are, admittedly, not having the most corporeal limits to define us as figures, it became hard to even know where we were, so we ended up thinking about death in an almost obsessive. One day he thought so intensely that we died for real and then there was nothing full of despair and that nothing addensatosi in a large transparent ball, was born God First, God opened his green eyes, and seeing only all alone in the middle of nowhere, he was terrified.
- To God - God said - This is the end! -
But the fun was only beginning.


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