Thursday, November 29, 2007

Florida License Templates


justify my long absence with two least significant news.

1: my story will come out in February, in an anthology on the seven deadly sins, by "east of the equator, fledgling publisher unpaid, still no catalog.
2: I'm currently working with this publisher, with regard to the press office.
3: I'm also managing the blog "to the east of the equator," which will be published every month, the five best stories come to the office.
not tergiverserò cometuttoquestoèaccaduto on the modalities of which could be tedious and, ultimately, insignificant, and I'll just point out that, yes, it's a great satisfaction and, yes, I will take away a lot of time (together with thesis and its eight missing exams and writing) that will be all to the detriment of the blog.
promise to recover, especially using the blog to post stories.

As for the publishing house, is made up of young, try to focus on literature but at the same time cutting quality, and represents a risky bet in publishing Campania: where in practice there is no publishing not supported by the pennies of the authors. In addition, the layout is attractive and expensive (not as certain publications that ... never mind ...) all offered the modest sum of € 8, a very competitive price. If there was a free condom, combined with a tissue ready for use, would be the best.

We can only hope that this initiative will also be able to collect the consent of the public, in addition to that already expressed by the intellectual circles (which, as will please, not door to follow him no pecuniary aid), to avoid ending up at sea with all their clothes. This

this, thank you for your attention and salute separately.


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