To all the friends of the blog, the friends who frequent it with diligence and genuine brighten with the transport of their specific comments, to the friends who frequent it with diligence and that only occasionally make their voices heard ; to the friends who frequent it assiduously and who prefer to observe and reflect in silence, friends that are sporadic, and should look; friends younger but no less welcome in the rooms of the blog, but unknown to all of you guests of this family home virtual, but not for this - I hope - less warm and welcoming, the wishes of serenity and joy.
Another year, the eternal present, start at the end and with it a piece of real life comes in the size of memories and experience. So, come in a different way of being part of this and give meaning to time, the only real, valuable and immeasurable resource existence.
For all of you, and indeed for all of us, the time is propitious for good.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
What Should Your Cm Look Like Before Your Period
Dear friends, I am with you, even if not yet with the post announced evaluations of this first period of activity of the blog. Absorbed by other urgent, I have not been able to articulate an organic considerations that I have to mind in the meantime. Among the urgent mentioned, I have to say a few of which related to the promotion of the novel just published, there is one without a doubt very challenging, especially for someone like me, is relegated to the category of dall'anagrafe no longer young. Well, I was asked to write the script for a play for young and young performers. I accepted the assignment sees an opportunity to draw closer to a size that the flow life becomes increasingly divergent from the path of those who now count the years back that far more numerous than those who only sees the front and a perspective of statistical probability.
I confess that I am enthusiastic about this new experience, which I look with eyes of wonder and curiosity that strange entity within us seems to have no age. We'll see. Public
this post in the youth section for obvious relevance, but does not file, however, exclude the intervention of friends of whom feel a lack and perhaps feel more at ease in any other section of this blog.
look with sympathy and interest of time, to read your inspiring thoughts.
A prayer for everyone: if you had searched in a library copy of The Lady of the village and you have also encountered difficulties following the suggestions from me data days ago, do not hesitate to talk on the blog itself.
Greetings to all. Ennio
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Roro Route From Manila To Zamboanga
Berlusconi in the European Congress of the People's Party says that in Italy, leads the party of the judges who then turns to see, and that this is 11/15simi left.
Strange logic ... you should argue that the laws are is doing a majority, a majority, which is 100% right. And 'This is the logic? We should respect them because they certainly are not doing it for everyone?
let us know.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Nerf Party Invitations
There are always the young friends of the blog
arrows dipped in sarcasm, thrown by the arc of our navigator in the wind that you sign Ulysses, four days have passed and I have to note that, according to the absence of intervention, the response to bland attempt by me to verify how many of you are still in the space of this blog has the value of final verdict. Therefore, I think that you young people, provided that you never have to visit a number of these pages (unfortunately I have no way to check how many visits to record the section dedicated to you), except for rare exceptions, have abandoned the raft to its fate.
As I mentioned in one of the last intervention, I'm trying to assess more than two months of activity of the blog and several elements have interesting ideas. For this and have a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bthe overall blog, I ask you, young friends who are still "listening", even if you come to browse only from time to time, make a small gesture and help me to understand: announce your presence with a simple "We are," or a "Hello" followed by the nick name. As long as you do it only once and then it will end here. So please do not interpret this request as a further attempt to get involved.
Greetings from Ennio
arrows dipped in sarcasm, thrown by the arc of our navigator in the wind that you sign Ulysses, four days have passed and I have to note that, according to the absence of intervention, the response to bland attempt by me to verify how many of you are still in the space of this blog has the value of final verdict. Therefore, I think that you young people, provided that you never have to visit a number of these pages (unfortunately I have no way to check how many visits to record the section dedicated to you), except for rare exceptions, have abandoned the raft to its fate.
As I mentioned in one of the last intervention, I'm trying to assess more than two months of activity of the blog and several elements have interesting ideas. For this and have a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bthe overall blog, I ask you, young friends who are still "listening", even if you come to browse only from time to time, make a small gesture and help me to understand: announce your presence with a simple "We are," or a "Hello" followed by the nick name. As long as you do it only once and then it will end here. So please do not interpret this request as a further attempt to get involved.
Greetings from Ennio
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sharp Dv-rw550 Player
Medieval and Renaissance
snoop in the history of the book is a little 'how to shake the dust of time : There is just something old and charming, something mysterious, evoking images of a closed and silent.
Today, in the Internet age and libraries on-line, you're losing the charm of the book in her hands peeled, the magic of the contact page rubbed between forefinger and thumb. Yet, not many centuries ago, the book was a real precious and few were those who could boast the possession of only a few dozen copies. The costs were prohibitive for a book, because of the time required for the production and especially the support material. Until the fifteenth century, parchment was still the preferred material of rags and paper take some time to replace the oldest - and noble - antagonist, although promised to reduce costs by 20% at least. Which stood already in Spain during the twelfth century and in France in the thirteenth, the use of new material in the book manuscript generalize not before the fourteenth century, but only in that later, in the fifteenth century, will take hold with a certain consistency. The reasons for the slow diffusion of the book are made up with sheets of paper of different kinds. The first is the low resistance of the new support material, which makes the book very valuable especially when it came to important texts that would become the subject of inheritance. The second was related mainly to the refined taste of the wealthy few who could afford the luxury of collecting objects so rare and valuable and that they saw in the book made of sheets of parchment an object of discrimination, almost a symbol showing the status of 'wise'. We must in fact consider that the men of culture who lived between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were primarily men of knowledge and wrote books represent both the basis of this knowledge as the means by which you sent. Unfortunately it was also half long and difficult to produce and then, as already mentioned, expensive.
From a sheep's skin could produce no more than two, sixteen pages, depending on the format. Therefore, to compose a book of 160 sheets (320 pages), depending on the size of the volume, it was necessary to sacrifice 10 to 80 sheep. In addition, copying (by hand) was very slow. It is estimated that a professional scribe was able to copy just two sheets and half a day. So in a year a good clerk could produce five books for two hundred pages. For playback of a thousand volumes was necessary to employ two hundred men in full-time. The system of
alopecia, which was introduced in Bologna and Paris since the thirteenth century, did not improve the situation much. The books were unpacked in the files to be copied (the alopecia, in fact) and files delivered to different copyists. In this way, the time required for the reproduction of a volume only if they could get for those many volumes had been disassembled. However, production time in part, the costs remained high, it is estimated that in 1400 the average cost of a book amounted to seven days to gain a royal notary. Therefore, a person of high social rank could afford during the past twenty years of his career the purchase of 200, 250 volumes to the maximum. In fact, the private collections rarely exceed a few tens of volumes already in that case were considered worthy of admiration. A library that could boast a hundred books appeared even amazing. In the fifteenth century the Duke of Burgundy Philip the Good boasted the possession of no less than 880 volumes. But this is a rare exception. In general, private collections were more modest as those of inveterate bookworms were equally important: Roger Benoîton, former notary Royal became a canon of Clermont, in 1470 compiled with pride the catalog raisonne of 257 books belonging to the his private collection.
The problem of costs remained unchanged until, in mid-1400, not entered the printing with movable type. Its spread, however, was too slow and limited mainly to Germany. It is only since 1470 that the printers are beginning to migrate elsewhere. Moreover, the presses were still quite rare. It is estimated that at the time those outside Germany were only five or six really promising and the only two to Venice, where he was based from 1469 Giovanni da Spira and Paris, thanks to Ulrich Gering Constance who had opened a laboratory together with two companions near the Sorbonne.
Since the last two decades of the fifteenth increased printing works in Europe but were not able to eliminate the copying by hand, which stood until the early sixteenth century. Indeed, the handwritten maintained a clear supremacy over the printed book, recording a proportion in the composition of the libraries in its net benefit for several decades.
But now the adventure of the book with movable type had begun and its spread would soon become unstoppable, continuing until today, the era of multimedia and information technology.
How long will the printed book will maintain the attractiveness and charm - if you want, even romance - linked to the rustle of pages slipping between your fingers?
snoop in the history of the book is a little 'how to shake the dust of time : There is just something old and charming, something mysterious, evoking images of a closed and silent.
Today, in the Internet age and libraries on-line, you're losing the charm of the book in her hands peeled, the magic of the contact page rubbed between forefinger and thumb. Yet, not many centuries ago, the book was a real precious and few were those who could boast the possession of only a few dozen copies. The costs were prohibitive for a book, because of the time required for the production and especially the support material. Until the fifteenth century, parchment was still the preferred material of rags and paper take some time to replace the oldest - and noble - antagonist, although promised to reduce costs by 20% at least. Which stood already in Spain during the twelfth century and in France in the thirteenth, the use of new material in the book manuscript generalize not before the fourteenth century, but only in that later, in the fifteenth century, will take hold with a certain consistency. The reasons for the slow diffusion of the book are made up with sheets of paper of different kinds. The first is the low resistance of the new support material, which makes the book very valuable especially when it came to important texts that would become the subject of inheritance. The second was related mainly to the refined taste of the wealthy few who could afford the luxury of collecting objects so rare and valuable and that they saw in the book made of sheets of parchment an object of discrimination, almost a symbol showing the status of 'wise'. We must in fact consider that the men of culture who lived between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance were primarily men of knowledge and wrote books represent both the basis of this knowledge as the means by which you sent. Unfortunately it was also half long and difficult to produce and then, as already mentioned, expensive.
From a sheep's skin could produce no more than two, sixteen pages, depending on the format. Therefore, to compose a book of 160 sheets (320 pages), depending on the size of the volume, it was necessary to sacrifice 10 to 80 sheep. In addition, copying (by hand) was very slow. It is estimated that a professional scribe was able to copy just two sheets and half a day. So in a year a good clerk could produce five books for two hundred pages. For playback of a thousand volumes was necessary to employ two hundred men in full-time. The system of
alopecia, which was introduced in Bologna and Paris since the thirteenth century, did not improve the situation much. The books were unpacked in the files to be copied (the alopecia, in fact) and files delivered to different copyists. In this way, the time required for the reproduction of a volume only if they could get for those many volumes had been disassembled. However, production time in part, the costs remained high, it is estimated that in 1400 the average cost of a book amounted to seven days to gain a royal notary. Therefore, a person of high social rank could afford during the past twenty years of his career the purchase of 200, 250 volumes to the maximum. In fact, the private collections rarely exceed a few tens of volumes already in that case were considered worthy of admiration. A library that could boast a hundred books appeared even amazing. In the fifteenth century the Duke of Burgundy Philip the Good boasted the possession of no less than 880 volumes. But this is a rare exception. In general, private collections were more modest as those of inveterate bookworms were equally important: Roger Benoîton, former notary Royal became a canon of Clermont, in 1470 compiled with pride the catalog raisonne of 257 books belonging to the his private collection.
The problem of costs remained unchanged until, in mid-1400, not entered the printing with movable type. Its spread, however, was too slow and limited mainly to Germany. It is only since 1470 that the printers are beginning to migrate elsewhere. Moreover, the presses were still quite rare. It is estimated that at the time those outside Germany were only five or six really promising and the only two to Venice, where he was based from 1469 Giovanni da Spira and Paris, thanks to Ulrich Gering Constance who had opened a laboratory together with two companions near the Sorbonne.
Since the last two decades of the fifteenth increased printing works in Europe but were not able to eliminate the copying by hand, which stood until the early sixteenth century. Indeed, the handwritten maintained a clear supremacy over the printed book, recording a proportion in the composition of the libraries in its net benefit for several decades.
But now the adventure of the book with movable type had begun and its spread would soon become unstoppable, continuing until today, the era of multimedia and information technology.
How long will the printed book will maintain the attractiveness and charm - if you want, even romance - linked to the rustle of pages slipping between your fingers?
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Baggage Handler Drops Your Suitcase Onto A
A space for young
I address you, girls and boys not yet affected by the soot of the time and the distortions of a world that does not always work as intended.
This space is dedicated to you, so you can freely express your ideas, but always maintaining mutual respect and that to the people who read it. Therefore, no swearing allowed (which among other things are useless things you can say that it effectively); insults are not allowed, but right and freedom to criticize, if substantiated, are welcome; Personal attacks are not even allowed: the opinions, when appropriate, must attack the facts.
The rules that I ask you to follow are all here and are not difficult to accept. The topics for discussion, however, you may decide you tutt'alpiù we will do together.
Tell me what you think, directly commenting on the blog. Express your opinion in this post.
I wait, then.
I address you, girls and boys not yet affected by the soot of the time and the distortions of a world that does not always work as intended.
This space is dedicated to you, so you can freely express your ideas, but always maintaining mutual respect and that to the people who read it. Therefore, no swearing allowed (which among other things are useless things you can say that it effectively); insults are not allowed, but right and freedom to criticize, if substantiated, are welcome; Personal attacks are not even allowed: the opinions, when appropriate, must attack the facts.
The rules that I ask you to follow are all here and are not difficult to accept. The topics for discussion, however, you may decide you tutt'alpiù we will do together.
Tell me what you think, directly commenting on the blog. Express your opinion in this post.
I wait, then.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Denise Milani Pre-breast Implants
The train
Dear friends, I submit a reflection evening.
does not seem to you that the blog (not necessarily this one) is like a train?
Let me explain.
Imagine for a moment that a traveler on a long-distance train and you're just doing a long trip.
Some of the passengers do the same trip, up to the station after someone else for your cover is too long, many, however, mounted on the train to a station to go down to the next or the next. With those who, as is the case for some of you are making a long trip, you can also create a structured discussion that touches more points. Among others, those who fall behind or nearly so, we just exchanged a few words. However, most travelers it is about his business, even if the journey is as long as yours. Often you see them turn over on your side, you watch, listen to what you are saying with travel companions who are close but not hint to speak.
Here, the number of visitors who frequent the blog, sometimes I feel a sense of being on a train: many go up, exchange a few words, then go down and no longer feel, leaving the strange feeling that it's unfinished meetings: could be and were not. So I think of the many who have completed a glimpse: I think, for example, Sal, Milascolano, Grandma Gina, Erika, in Rosario, Julia, Yang and the many others who have succeeded or who may continue to alternate, but in silence.
Then I was coming to mind to ask a question: would not it be nice if, regardless of the distance we cover together, trying to socialize a bit 'more? But then I remembered that often, just like on a train, attempts to "attack buttons" create a sense of discomfort. Perhaps because we are accustomed to being immersed daily in a crowd of indifferent and so any approach to establish contact is interpreted as an unwarranted attempt to violate their sacred right to sit for their own business.
Or not?
Dear friends, I submit a reflection evening.
does not seem to you that the blog (not necessarily this one) is like a train?
Let me explain.
Imagine for a moment that a traveler on a long-distance train and you're just doing a long trip.
Some of the passengers do the same trip, up to the station after someone else for your cover is too long, many, however, mounted on the train to a station to go down to the next or the next. With those who, as is the case for some of you are making a long trip, you can also create a structured discussion that touches more points. Among others, those who fall behind or nearly so, we just exchanged a few words. However, most travelers it is about his business, even if the journey is as long as yours. Often you see them turn over on your side, you watch, listen to what you are saying with travel companions who are close but not hint to speak.
Here, the number of visitors who frequent the blog, sometimes I feel a sense of being on a train: many go up, exchange a few words, then go down and no longer feel, leaving the strange feeling that it's unfinished meetings: could be and were not. So I think of the many who have completed a glimpse: I think, for example, Sal, Milascolano, Grandma Gina, Erika, in Rosario, Julia, Yang and the many others who have succeeded or who may continue to alternate, but in silence.
Then I was coming to mind to ask a question: would not it be nice if, regardless of the distance we cover together, trying to socialize a bit 'more? But then I remembered that often, just like on a train, attempts to "attack buttons" create a sense of discomfort. Perhaps because we are accustomed to being immersed daily in a crowd of indifferent and so any approach to establish contact is interpreted as an unwarranted attempt to violate their sacred right to sit for their own business.
Or not?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Myspace Chelsea-charms
A precise duties
is appropriate, as well as a duty, return to the blog its connotation of origin and the character with which he had presented to the public at first operation: a blog created to establish a contact with potential readers direct and discuss with them amicably, the themes related to a literary event for more in gestation. But even more than this, and if anything, taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the event itself, there was - and still is - the idea of \u200b\u200boffering an open space, not bounded by any kind of ideological boundaries within which to confront with the ability to communicate, but also with a willingness to listen. So, not an arena of confrontation, let alone a stage on which claims to represent unscheduled apologetic.
On the other hand, it is understandable that at certain periods that have marked too tragically the course of our civilization there may be differences of interpretation and stances hotly: is human, even if scientifically questionable. The assertion that "history is never separated from the men who make it is to be signed without reservation. Likewise, I add, the institutions, all institutions, in every age and every sector of the human family are related, whether religious, political, social, not abstract entities - "reified" they say in sociology - but an expression, for good or worse, in the magnitude as in human misery, of men running through the discount and historically. History, cultural anthropology, sociology, together with other disciplines, are powerful means of investigation, the use prudent, balanced and non-instrumental allows them, among other things, to develop unbiased interpretations and thus determine, for the observer that he should serve a privileged position and must be characterized by the detachment evaluation absolutely necessary if you are interested in understanding and not judging, processes and facts relating to the journey of man on the planet.
Human institutions - because all human institutions - do not come to an autonomous and spontaneous creative act, and likewise, the cultural significance which is its heritage is not "mixed" and ready to use even when its origin myths before. It is stratified over time, by virtue of successive injections of those who represent the institutions at different levels. Therefore, their history can only be the story of the events they produce and the facts, as already mentioned, in turn, can not be separated from men. What then happens, sometimes or often (historically one can not help but take note), to which those facts are related to "bestiality egoreferente", and has been effectively pointed out, this is not surprising and especially should not lead us to withdraw into positions mystifying or documents. The human being is neither divine nor diabolical, or if you prefer, is one and the other thing together. Personally I am inclined to believe that the human being, and with it the human species, is simply going in, but with the power to exercise free choice, therefore, retains the responsibility along with freedom for their actions. Liability which can not be exorcised downloading it on external factors, whether natural or presumed divine.
All this said, no one is asked to share one position or another: identify with this or that idea is part of the individual path, which is a consequence of its history and is closely homologous to the structure and its individual nature. And while this in itself should be sufficient respect. At the same time, however, no one has even asked to judge this or that position. This blog, let us not forget that takes its cue from an initiative which claims to cultural considerations, to be a home for all, but of all those who recognize themselves in mutual respect and tolerance, which is not understood, at least by those who writes as hypocritical appeasement but as prerequisite of openness. It should perhaps be repeated: the comparison, though hard, not necessarily degenerate into conflict, and never a personal one. The discussion on the diversity of views leads to enlargement of the horizon and this is an objective visual enrichment.
Anyone who thinks they can bring to these few indications of civil partnership is welcome. Otherwise, retains the freedom to go and knock on more doors and get into other houses, where guests will certainly find rooms and responsive to their attitudes.
handicapped in this way the soil from confusion over the present and future, your Ennio awaits you with the enthusiasm and interest than ever.
is appropriate, as well as a duty, return to the blog its connotation of origin and the character with which he had presented to the public at first operation: a blog created to establish a contact with potential readers direct and discuss with them amicably, the themes related to a literary event for more in gestation. But even more than this, and if anything, taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the event itself, there was - and still is - the idea of \u200b\u200boffering an open space, not bounded by any kind of ideological boundaries within which to confront with the ability to communicate, but also with a willingness to listen. So, not an arena of confrontation, let alone a stage on which claims to represent unscheduled apologetic.
On the other hand, it is understandable that at certain periods that have marked too tragically the course of our civilization there may be differences of interpretation and stances hotly: is human, even if scientifically questionable. The assertion that "history is never separated from the men who make it is to be signed without reservation. Likewise, I add, the institutions, all institutions, in every age and every sector of the human family are related, whether religious, political, social, not abstract entities - "reified" they say in sociology - but an expression, for good or worse, in the magnitude as in human misery, of men running through the discount and historically. History, cultural anthropology, sociology, together with other disciplines, are powerful means of investigation, the use prudent, balanced and non-instrumental allows them, among other things, to develop unbiased interpretations and thus determine, for the observer that he should serve a privileged position and must be characterized by the detachment evaluation absolutely necessary if you are interested in understanding and not judging, processes and facts relating to the journey of man on the planet.
Human institutions - because all human institutions - do not come to an autonomous and spontaneous creative act, and likewise, the cultural significance which is its heritage is not "mixed" and ready to use even when its origin myths before. It is stratified over time, by virtue of successive injections of those who represent the institutions at different levels. Therefore, their history can only be the story of the events they produce and the facts, as already mentioned, in turn, can not be separated from men. What then happens, sometimes or often (historically one can not help but take note), to which those facts are related to "bestiality egoreferente", and has been effectively pointed out, this is not surprising and especially should not lead us to withdraw into positions mystifying or documents. The human being is neither divine nor diabolical, or if you prefer, is one and the other thing together. Personally I am inclined to believe that the human being, and with it the human species, is simply going in, but with the power to exercise free choice, therefore, retains the responsibility along with freedom for their actions. Liability which can not be exorcised downloading it on external factors, whether natural or presumed divine.
All this said, no one is asked to share one position or another: identify with this or that idea is part of the individual path, which is a consequence of its history and is closely homologous to the structure and its individual nature. And while this in itself should be sufficient respect. At the same time, however, no one has even asked to judge this or that position. This blog, let us not forget that takes its cue from an initiative which claims to cultural considerations, to be a home for all, but of all those who recognize themselves in mutual respect and tolerance, which is not understood, at least by those who writes as hypocritical appeasement but as prerequisite of openness. It should perhaps be repeated: the comparison, though hard, not necessarily degenerate into conflict, and never a personal one. The discussion on the diversity of views leads to enlargement of the horizon and this is an objective visual enrichment.
Anyone who thinks they can bring to these few indications of civil partnership is welcome. Otherwise, retains the freedom to go and knock on more doors and get into other houses, where guests will certainly find rooms and responsive to their attitudes.
handicapped in this way the soil from confusion over the present and future, your Ennio awaits you with the enthusiasm and interest than ever.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Swelling Of Foot After Pedicure
Happy bird-day mister president
And no eh! That can go right with starlets and handsome escort and the Left always and only with the trans? But it is truly amazing ... I do not know what to wish: the pleasure-leader of beautiful women or Savonarola.

But where is a level playing field? Sunday I go to the Democratic Party primary, I swear, and the secretary of the vote largest opposition party in perpetuity.
Bersani course: Emilia, noodles, cigar ... sure we like the pussy. In the Pantheon
veltroni want to put more devils and angels less notoriously indefinite sex? Echecazz!
P . S. Yesterday I looked out the window onto the courtyard and I shouted "I'm a pissed off black voters PD and this is not going to take this anymore."
The concierge gave me a smile ... but why is old, does not count.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Annnotated Diagram Of Sewing Machine
Drafting the novel ends (it good news?)

finished the last draft of the book, I swear, if he does not shit me off the balcony, because what the hell, should not, by how long have I'm working on, a year? One year ittat 'say, empty agenda, estimate made here, you see that I had better things to do. Anyway, I already know, the courage to throw mica I would have, because I have done too little so far, and my career there would be no benefit. I have to pack everything and send to the editor, and then we'll see, that goes bad paper recycling center that will give me something just to recoup printing costs.
Apart from the crap, now this novel (which I believe lot, and I still believe that, even if they are too exhausted to admit it) has reached such a level of predictability - remember the phrase from memory - I can not honestly judge it. But pretending that the result is disastrous, I found the experience useful, a good training ground to practice the theoretical and practical material accumulated to date. When I begin a new one (at least for the next week and I do not have the intention), I will avoid falling into a pile of ingenuity, which have tripled the amount of work, delaying the whole of CRCA 6 months.
Apart from the crap, now this novel (which I believe lot, and I still believe that, even if they are too exhausted to admit it) has reached such a level of predictability - remember the phrase from memory - I can not honestly judge it. But pretending that the result is disastrous, I found the experience useful, a good training ground to practice the theoretical and practical material accumulated to date. When I begin a new one (at least for the next week and I do not have the intention), I will avoid falling into a pile of ingenuity, which have tripled the amount of work, delaying the whole of CRCA 6 months.
But it is useless to dig up, and then around here tell me that the pessimism does not pay, and I agree, so the ban unnecessary doubts and fears, the book is beautiful, what's wrong, if any, will work out. Mò it will run Linux, and something will happen. Viva la literature!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cute Saying Or 2nd Birthday
A space for dialogue
Dear friends,
one hand I can not tell me that flattered the unexpected number of daily contacts: it means that you are there and you are fond of this little virtual corner. Second, however, I must register a certain reluctance in the insertion of comments. Yet this blog is born with the idea of \u200b\u200bfostering contact between you and me and among yourselves. Looking for a possible reason, I figured that direct your attention to predetermined topics may be in some way a kind of bond that does not stimulate the impulse to participate actively. For this, I thought of including in a blog space, is not coupled to this or that subject, and I wanted to call it "space for dialogue", which is connected to the label "just talk". Here you can express
your opinion on whatever passes for the mind, as long as relevant to the general nature of the blog and its basic inspiration. In particular, I figured this new space as the street corner, a place where you meet friends who want to chat with each other and want to impress the exchange of mutual respect and willingness to listen and discuss personal opinions which differ from those .
So, as I said earlier, you can talk with me and among you.
Obviously, I assume that my readers do not abusing the occasion and the temptations offered by anonymity. In any case, I'll load the role of moderator and to intervene where necessary.
Benefit the occasion and give a kick to the timidity or indifference. Think that it is unnecessary to write, "so someone else will" is a mistake: what we have to tell us, as we think, can not do it any more.
soon, then: the street corner waiting for us.
Dear friends,
one hand I can not tell me that flattered the unexpected number of daily contacts: it means that you are there and you are fond of this little virtual corner. Second, however, I must register a certain reluctance in the insertion of comments. Yet this blog is born with the idea of \u200b\u200bfostering contact between you and me and among yourselves. Looking for a possible reason, I figured that direct your attention to predetermined topics may be in some way a kind of bond that does not stimulate the impulse to participate actively. For this, I thought of including in a blog space, is not coupled to this or that subject, and I wanted to call it "space for dialogue", which is connected to the label "just talk". Here you can express
your opinion on whatever passes for the mind, as long as relevant to the general nature of the blog and its basic inspiration. In particular, I figured this new space as the street corner, a place where you meet friends who want to chat with each other and want to impress the exchange of mutual respect and willingness to listen and discuss personal opinions which differ from those .
So, as I said earlier, you can talk with me and among you.
Obviously, I assume that my readers do not abusing the occasion and the temptations offered by anonymity. In any case, I'll load the role of moderator and to intervene where necessary.
Benefit the occasion and give a kick to the timidity or indifference. Think that it is unnecessary to write, "so someone else will" is a mistake: what we have to tell us, as we think, can not do it any more.
soon, then: the street corner waiting for us.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Prescchool Consultant
The lady of the village: the historical context
One of my college professor used to say that Plato's ideas are there, hanging like provolone, in the sense that he believes would not have a base or a contiguity with what it should achieved. In short, a colorful and tasty way to say they are plucked out of thin air.
I do not let me enter into the details (I will not doing an injustice to Plato and even salacious to my teacher), not only would that events and characters in the novel also became provolone going to keep company with those already pending. I mean, like the characters and events of a play they need a background scene on which to project, so will those of a novel: the reader must be able to immediately place in a nebulous and without well-defined time. Otherwise how do you imagine them living and concrete ...
For this, I have decided to enhance the blog with some information pertaining to the historical time and places as they were for the time covered by the narrative, the heroic assumption that my visitor do not be discouraged at the first lines and has the patience to go through with it.
The political situation in Italy at the end of the fifteenth
The period covered by the narrative, which stretches between 1490 and 1494, is marked by some important events: first of all, the discovery of land beyond the ocean The death of Lorenzo de 'Medici in Florence and the ascent to the papacy of Pope Rodrigo Borgia with the name of Alexander VI. Unlike other European nations, where they were consolidating large power plants, Italy is fragmented into a plethora of smaller states including the most important political influence and by extension, are:
the Kingdom of Naples, extending from the Abruzzi to Sicily and Sardinia, the expression of Aragonese monarchy;
the Papal States, including approximately Lazio, Marche and Emilia-Romagna;
the republic of Florence, subject to the rule of the Medici;
the Duchy of Milan, ruled by the Sforza dynasty, which covers almost all the current Lombardy until they touch, in the southern part, the Florentine Republic;
the Venetian Republic, which boasts a stable government attitude, and prosecute such so a policy of supremacy.
Other sovereign entities are the Duke of Mantua, ruled by the Gonzaga, the Duke of Ferrara, submitted to the lordship of Este, the Republic of Genoa, the little Republic of Lucca and Siena.
As regards the narrative, it should focus attention on the rule of the Church which is subject to a condition that distinguishes it further from political entities listed above. The central problem is the fact that in Rome there could be a dynasty, and this undoubtedly weakened the central power. In fact, the individual rulers of the Papal States, who held power in this or that city, are the latest offshoot of the feudal system, in practice they saw as the principles of independent and therefore not inclined to submit to central authority . This state of affairs was compounded by a further element of weakness: the adoption by the pontiff of a nepotism policy which, rather than aim to distribute offices and ecclesiastical offices to their relatives, tended to be within the same state of independent domains, and the staff assigned to the family of the pope. In this regard, is emblematic of the role played by Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) in favor of his son Cesare Borgia (the Duke Valentino). It's worth mentioning that the pope in question was already heavily discussed on charges that he stole the papal throne as a result of practices of simony.
endemic instability of the Italian states is exacerbated by the death Lorenzo de 'Medici, who goes to break the delicate balancing act all hinged on the cooperation between Milan, Florence and Naples. The disappearance of the lord of Florence makes an agreement more difficult the already poor due to progressive deterioration of relations between the efforts and the Kingdom of Naples. All this happens just before entry into Italy of Charles VIII, king of a strong French army of about four thousand men, whose assistance is invoked by those opposed to the Sforza family, the Medici family, the same Aragonese and finally to the Borgias .
La Marca Anconetana at the close of the fifteenth century
The Marche region is further fragmentation within the already fragmented the Papal States and the skirmishes between the different families vie for dominance are not uncommon. To ensure a modicum of stability, if not drive, ensure the Constitutions Egidiane, existing since 1357 and promulgated in Fano by the cardinal Egidio Albornoz, vicar general of the Papal States.
The Constitutions, a collection of laws are divided into six books. These, in addition to listing the papal provisions enacted over time, tend to govern relations between the various lords and between them and the papacy.
The territories are broken up into lordships of the March which refer to the most important families of the time, they are: the
Malatesta in Rimini and Pesaro. They obtained the lordship in 1295 and held it until 1503, when it fell to
by Cesare Borgia. One of the most prominent family, Roberto Malatesta, was seen on several occasions to fight alongside Federico da Montefeltro, the second daughter who had married the widow Elizabeth then remained in 1482. After the mourning, Elizabeth withdrew to the convent of Poor Clares at Urbino.
Elisabetta da Montefeltro is one of the secondary characters of the novel: the period of his stay in the convent of Urbino covering the period of the narrative, coinciding, and historically established, are also some details of which will be commented on in the novel, the
Montefeltro at Urbino, where the rule was consolidated from 1234. By Federico da Montefeltro of Urbino, the city experienced a period of great splendor and prestige of the Montefeltro is increased, so much so that in 1444 what was originally a county became a duchy. In 1472, Frederick succeeded by his son Guidubaldo (also mentioned in the narrative), which remains in power until 1502, when the lands of the Duchy are invaded by Cesare Borgia;
the da Varano, lords of Camerino since 1259. Achieved its peak at the end of '400.
Camerino is a town full of cultural ferment and can boast a prestigious university, the whose fame is mainly due to the extraordinary flowering of legal studies. Witness, for example by Cino da Pistoia, reported that it was not uncommon to find law schools active even in the villages.
The economy of the brand is thriving, partly because the period was marred by the alternation of the plagues which are to gradually deplete the workforce. The exception, within a social and economic context if not depressed, certainly not healthy, it is perhaps represented by Macerata, freed from the yoke in the middle of the century, the Sforza, submits again to the Church In change ' permanent institution of the General Court of Rector of the Church and the Holy of officially becoming the capital of the Marches of Ancona. Has since been kicked off the city's transformation from predominantly agricultural center, evolves in bureaucratic and political center of the region. It is in that same period that witnessed a massive influx of immigrants in the territories that brings a plethora of Macerata employees, notaries, judges, soldiers, clergymen, but also tales and characters of dubious reputation.
In any event, the event causes a strong impetus to economic and urban development: the influx of Lombard workers occurred in the early years of the century is the environment for a stable settlement and the initiation of major public works and private.
In summary, except for some excitement due to construction and in particular the construction of new defense systems of major cities - firearms (mostly bombs) had already made their appearance - if it can be concluded that the economy of the territories Marche wheel on the activities of all time: agriculture, handicrafts and trade.
culture and ideas in everyday life in late fifteenth and early sixteenth
Throughout the Middle Ages the only institution that had provided cultural continuity had been the Church. But, when the facts narrated in the novel, from now nearly three centuries there was an event that has revolutionized knowledge, all in anticipation based on the vision of the world dictated by Augustine of Hippo and the Fathers of the Church have rediscovered the works of Aristotle and, with them, its "natural". The nature, ie, be returned to the entity in which the observable phenomena occur and also the testing for some time has become an instrument of knowledge. This new approach has led to separate, however, destroy the natural world, the phenomena that fall under the senses, from the divine world and the supernatural, which remains solely within the purview of God and of His only Son. In this world, inscrutable and inaccessible to the human, the only legitimate and intermediaries are the Church and her ministers. Except that, when the facts narrated in the novel and for many decades, the corruption of the Church and its structures of government is there for all to see: nepotism, simony, clerical rapacity of a greedy and insatiable fed on the fracture created philosophical level, transfer made in the size of the newspaper. If the learned world is felt the need to reassemble matter and spirit (the flowering of ideas and Neoplatonic magic spreads to generate defections in the same body of the Church), in the minds of ordinary people the unknowable large open spaces in the commemoration of beliefs practices and mold free. And so, if not witchcraft, surely the folk magic, astrology (which by the way it is taught in universities on a par with other disciplines), alchemy and a whole set of empirical practices become archaic and ancestral heritage of everyday life.
In particular, the territory of central Italy and the Umbrian-Marche these practices are hugely popular: in 1452 the entire population of Montemonaco, a country of the Sibillini Mountains, from the outset to the end of the common people, is processed with accused of having given hospitality to throngs of necromancers and having participated in itself a practical wizards. Luckily of the population, the process ends with an acquittal in general than we were able to collect and present objective evidence to support prosecution. What
the formal rigor of the processes is another aspect of which take into account: the historical results show beyond doubt that the more that the courts of the Inquisition, were those of secular justice to produce the largest number of convictions followed by capital punishment. In general, the inquisitor was motivated by an interest, we would say so, anthropology: the aim was to understand the nature of deviance and the causes that had produced it, with the main objective of verifying if there were spaces for the recovery of the accused and his reintegration into the body of the Church. On the other hand, it is also true that the Church had something else to worry about than not considered practical for the legacy of a more superstitious mentality, and ultimately harmless. Nevertheless, we must not forget that even in the second half of the century (between 1486 and 1487, to be precise) is written by two Dominicans the infamous Malleus Maleficarum, a true manual as guidance for the recognition of witches, real or alleged to be.
In a nutshell, and even with all the approximations that only the speed of the survey can perhaps justify, the track here is the background on which the project life and adventures of the characters in the novel at this point is hope that the future reader, reading it, did not bear the feeling of having to deal with entities suspended in midair. Like
provolone, exactly.
One of my college professor used to say that Plato's ideas are there, hanging like provolone, in the sense that he believes would not have a base or a contiguity with what it should achieved. In short, a colorful and tasty way to say they are plucked out of thin air.
I do not let me enter into the details (I will not doing an injustice to Plato and even salacious to my teacher), not only would that events and characters in the novel also became provolone going to keep company with those already pending. I mean, like the characters and events of a play they need a background scene on which to project, so will those of a novel: the reader must be able to immediately place in a nebulous and without well-defined time. Otherwise how do you imagine them living and concrete ...
For this, I have decided to enhance the blog with some information pertaining to the historical time and places as they were for the time covered by the narrative, the heroic assumption that my visitor do not be discouraged at the first lines and has the patience to go through with it.
The political situation in Italy at the end of the fifteenth
The period covered by the narrative, which stretches between 1490 and 1494, is marked by some important events: first of all, the discovery of land beyond the ocean The death of Lorenzo de 'Medici in Florence and the ascent to the papacy of Pope Rodrigo Borgia with the name of Alexander VI. Unlike other European nations, where they were consolidating large power plants, Italy is fragmented into a plethora of smaller states including the most important political influence and by extension, are:
the Kingdom of Naples, extending from the Abruzzi to Sicily and Sardinia, the expression of Aragonese monarchy;
the Papal States, including approximately Lazio, Marche and Emilia-Romagna;
the republic of Florence, subject to the rule of the Medici;
the Duchy of Milan, ruled by the Sforza dynasty, which covers almost all the current Lombardy until they touch, in the southern part, the Florentine Republic;
the Venetian Republic, which boasts a stable government attitude, and prosecute such so a policy of supremacy.
Other sovereign entities are the Duke of Mantua, ruled by the Gonzaga, the Duke of Ferrara, submitted to the lordship of Este, the Republic of Genoa, the little Republic of Lucca and Siena.
As regards the narrative, it should focus attention on the rule of the Church which is subject to a condition that distinguishes it further from political entities listed above. The central problem is the fact that in Rome there could be a dynasty, and this undoubtedly weakened the central power. In fact, the individual rulers of the Papal States, who held power in this or that city, are the latest offshoot of the feudal system, in practice they saw as the principles of independent and therefore not inclined to submit to central authority . This state of affairs was compounded by a further element of weakness: the adoption by the pontiff of a nepotism policy which, rather than aim to distribute offices and ecclesiastical offices to their relatives, tended to be within the same state of independent domains, and the staff assigned to the family of the pope. In this regard, is emblematic of the role played by Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI) in favor of his son Cesare Borgia (the Duke Valentino). It's worth mentioning that the pope in question was already heavily discussed on charges that he stole the papal throne as a result of practices of simony.
endemic instability of the Italian states is exacerbated by the death Lorenzo de 'Medici, who goes to break the delicate balancing act all hinged on the cooperation between Milan, Florence and Naples. The disappearance of the lord of Florence makes an agreement more difficult the already poor due to progressive deterioration of relations between the efforts and the Kingdom of Naples. All this happens just before entry into Italy of Charles VIII, king of a strong French army of about four thousand men, whose assistance is invoked by those opposed to the Sforza family, the Medici family, the same Aragonese and finally to the Borgias .
La Marca Anconetana at the close of the fifteenth century
The Marche region is further fragmentation within the already fragmented the Papal States and the skirmishes between the different families vie for dominance are not uncommon. To ensure a modicum of stability, if not drive, ensure the Constitutions Egidiane, existing since 1357 and promulgated in Fano by the cardinal Egidio Albornoz, vicar general of the Papal States.
The Constitutions, a collection of laws are divided into six books. These, in addition to listing the papal provisions enacted over time, tend to govern relations between the various lords and between them and the papacy.
The territories are broken up into lordships of the March which refer to the most important families of the time, they are: the
Malatesta in Rimini and Pesaro. They obtained the lordship in 1295 and held it until 1503, when it fell to
by Cesare Borgia. One of the most prominent family, Roberto Malatesta, was seen on several occasions to fight alongside Federico da Montefeltro, the second daughter who had married the widow Elizabeth then remained in 1482. After the mourning, Elizabeth withdrew to the convent of Poor Clares at Urbino.
Elisabetta da Montefeltro is one of the secondary characters of the novel: the period of his stay in the convent of Urbino covering the period of the narrative, coinciding, and historically established, are also some details of which will be commented on in the novel, the
Montefeltro at Urbino, where the rule was consolidated from 1234. By Federico da Montefeltro of Urbino, the city experienced a period of great splendor and prestige of the Montefeltro is increased, so much so that in 1444 what was originally a county became a duchy. In 1472, Frederick succeeded by his son Guidubaldo (also mentioned in the narrative), which remains in power until 1502, when the lands of the Duchy are invaded by Cesare Borgia;
the da Varano, lords of Camerino since 1259. Achieved its peak at the end of '400.
Camerino is a town full of cultural ferment and can boast a prestigious university, the whose fame is mainly due to the extraordinary flowering of legal studies. Witness, for example by Cino da Pistoia, reported that it was not uncommon to find law schools active even in the villages.
The economy of the brand is thriving, partly because the period was marred by the alternation of the plagues which are to gradually deplete the workforce. The exception, within a social and economic context if not depressed, certainly not healthy, it is perhaps represented by Macerata, freed from the yoke in the middle of the century, the Sforza, submits again to the Church In change ' permanent institution of the General Court of Rector of the Church and the Holy of officially becoming the capital of the Marches of Ancona. Has since been kicked off the city's transformation from predominantly agricultural center, evolves in bureaucratic and political center of the region. It is in that same period that witnessed a massive influx of immigrants in the territories that brings a plethora of Macerata employees, notaries, judges, soldiers, clergymen, but also tales and characters of dubious reputation.
In any event, the event causes a strong impetus to economic and urban development: the influx of Lombard workers occurred in the early years of the century is the environment for a stable settlement and the initiation of major public works and private.
In summary, except for some excitement due to construction and in particular the construction of new defense systems of major cities - firearms (mostly bombs) had already made their appearance - if it can be concluded that the economy of the territories Marche wheel on the activities of all time: agriculture, handicrafts and trade.
culture and ideas in everyday life in late fifteenth and early sixteenth
Throughout the Middle Ages the only institution that had provided cultural continuity had been the Church. But, when the facts narrated in the novel, from now nearly three centuries there was an event that has revolutionized knowledge, all in anticipation based on the vision of the world dictated by Augustine of Hippo and the Fathers of the Church have rediscovered the works of Aristotle and, with them, its "natural". The nature, ie, be returned to the entity in which the observable phenomena occur and also the testing for some time has become an instrument of knowledge. This new approach has led to separate, however, destroy the natural world, the phenomena that fall under the senses, from the divine world and the supernatural, which remains solely within the purview of God and of His only Son. In this world, inscrutable and inaccessible to the human, the only legitimate and intermediaries are the Church and her ministers. Except that, when the facts narrated in the novel and for many decades, the corruption of the Church and its structures of government is there for all to see: nepotism, simony, clerical rapacity of a greedy and insatiable fed on the fracture created philosophical level, transfer made in the size of the newspaper. If the learned world is felt the need to reassemble matter and spirit (the flowering of ideas and Neoplatonic magic spreads to generate defections in the same body of the Church), in the minds of ordinary people the unknowable large open spaces in the commemoration of beliefs practices and mold free. And so, if not witchcraft, surely the folk magic, astrology (which by the way it is taught in universities on a par with other disciplines), alchemy and a whole set of empirical practices become archaic and ancestral heritage of everyday life.
In particular, the territory of central Italy and the Umbrian-Marche these practices are hugely popular: in 1452 the entire population of Montemonaco, a country of the Sibillini Mountains, from the outset to the end of the common people, is processed with accused of having given hospitality to throngs of necromancers and having participated in itself a practical wizards. Luckily of the population, the process ends with an acquittal in general than we were able to collect and present objective evidence to support prosecution. What
the formal rigor of the processes is another aspect of which take into account: the historical results show beyond doubt that the more that the courts of the Inquisition, were those of secular justice to produce the largest number of convictions followed by capital punishment. In general, the inquisitor was motivated by an interest, we would say so, anthropology: the aim was to understand the nature of deviance and the causes that had produced it, with the main objective of verifying if there were spaces for the recovery of the accused and his reintegration into the body of the Church. On the other hand, it is also true that the Church had something else to worry about than not considered practical for the legacy of a more superstitious mentality, and ultimately harmless. Nevertheless, we must not forget that even in the second half of the century (between 1486 and 1487, to be precise) is written by two Dominicans the infamous Malleus Maleficarum, a true manual as guidance for the recognition of witches, real or alleged to be.
In a nutshell, and even with all the approximations that only the speed of the survey can perhaps justify, the track here is the background on which the project life and adventures of the characters in the novel at this point is hope that the future reader, reading it, did not bear the feeling of having to deal with entities suspended in midair. Like
provolone, exactly.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
My Newborn Has Phlegm
Something more about the plot
Dear friends,
as I told you here and there, I put this post to give you some more clue about the plot of the novel. But I warn you that you will be satisfied with this, because otherwise I can not (and do not prefer) to do. So, enjoy this little waiting for more ...
Daughter of small artisans in a small village in the Marches, Giselle is not resigned to fate that the company of the early Renaissance to trace a woman of humble circumstances. The meeting with Eliside, Mrs., marks the turning point and the young at just sixteen, he started a journey that will eradicate from their origins to lead gradually to identify with a female size archaic as unimaginable. But the path set by fate not linear, and a journey just begun, Giselle's life is intertwined with the trajectories of other lives. So, for the case involved in an act of violence, the young woman is wrapped in a tangle of events punctuated by a series of mysterious deaths of up to face the Inquisition on charges of heresy and the practice of magic.
Dear friends,
as I told you here and there, I put this post to give you some more clue about the plot of the novel. But I warn you that you will be satisfied with this, because otherwise I can not (and do not prefer) to do. So, enjoy this little waiting for more ...
Daughter of small artisans in a small village in the Marches, Giselle is not resigned to fate that the company of the early Renaissance to trace a woman of humble circumstances. The meeting with Eliside, Mrs., marks the turning point and the young at just sixteen, he started a journey that will eradicate from their origins to lead gradually to identify with a female size archaic as unimaginable. But the path set by fate not linear, and a journey just begun, Giselle's life is intertwined with the trajectories of other lives. So, for the case involved in an act of violence, the young woman is wrapped in a tangle of events punctuated by a series of mysterious deaths of up to face the Inquisition on charges of heresy and the practice of magic.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
13 Year Old Son Bathed
What a disappointment Italian cinema

This year we are looking forward triad Italian fashion show at the Venice Film Festival and came home without the approval of a bill (actors separately). And do not expect much because the film I had seemed very bright through the media channels in which I lived through the previews (trailers, articles, lively discussions among television critics), the elements on which it relied were leaving my hopes strong signals from the past year "Gomorra" and "Il Divo," which seemed to have launched a pebble into the lake from which tin of Italian cinema, do not say were to develop a tidal wave and unstoppable, but at least he went a modest current towards an inexorable recovery (albeit slow) of the whole environment. Instead I feel disillusioned now as ever, and I start to think that the phenomena Garrone and Sorrentino (whose last film are not beautiful and not even their best work) are an isolated case rather than a sign of recovery. If I am under the illusion that something was going to happen, well, I know I messed bad.
The great dream: the film Placido and adolescent, as if wanting to give a compliment. The direction is good, as it was in "Romanzo Criminale", what is lacking compared to that film is a script of some consistency (and here it is time for manufacturers by requiring directors to rely on professional writers for the text, instead leave them at the mercy of their crazy inspiration often comes down to arrange stuff with felt here and there). The story unfolds like this: one day there is a normal life, another day a child is rejected in a test and ... 68! But the most annoying thing is that the characters are absolutely stereotyped, and thus the dialogues are banal and predictable, coming to elicit in the viewer a sense of tenderness toward the actors, tenderness that turns into anger, pity or even in the event of proven relationship with a member of the company. The film takes a bit 'last half hour, after a couple of plot twists, but it's too late. I swear that after the first ten minutes I wanted to get up and go home, feeling that I had tried before, only with "The Hand of God" Risi son. Placido
passed after the festival to scream (correctly) against attacks coming from members of government, and not dwarves, not knowing that the controversy is just a public success otherwise inexplicable, because I doubt that word of mouth has helped.
I read an article that spoke ill of the film, but which explained the extenuating circumstances in the title How difficult it is to tell the 68 '. I beg to differ. Without reference to the masterpieces of neo-realism able to concentrate in the history of an individual suffering of a whole historical period, I will tell you: beware of "Milk." The themes are similar: the mass movement and political revolution, in an environment steeped in bigotry and skepticism, the boarding only with gays instead of the Marxists. The film is a moving masterpiece, which has the merit of never take for granted the knowledge of the events.
Baarìa : the speech Tornatore is different. If that Placido is a bad film failed, this is a film that could get better. During the first hour and a half I have witnessed Tornatore already seen and appreciated, master of a poetic style that becomes a brand, a key capable of dragging the audience at the treasure chest in which lies the secret past of the director. At the break I thought it impossible that the film might lose the Oscar, and yet after watching the second hour and a half I'm sure you will lose. In practice Tornatore, who at the first break has almost exhausted the story of generational change, has the bad idea even reach the third generation. The movie is accelerated abrupt and unnatural, which leads him to touch all of smear the events of Italian history up to the present day ... and then come back! At that point the public is really tired. I felt lucky to live in 2010, because if the Italian history had lasted another 30 years, the film would go on for another hour.
The second part of the story is boring, and especially unnecessary since it is used by the director to pull too many hooks launched earlier (lost magic items, etc..) To which the viewer does not feel the need to take the bait because it was absolutely forgotten, or at least, he had already seemed poetic and perfect in their imperfection. Once again the range of the manufacturer would be appreciated.
Making a comparison with "Cinema Paradiso", then there is the weakness of the objective of the protagonist, who seems not to drag the audience. If in fact the dream of becoming a director succeeds in involving the audience for its universal character, to become political only at the beginning is seen as a pure dream, while the second part is fouled by the impact with reality, and then becomes almost wanted to get more than willing to be, to do, and this happens without the protagonist suffers a conscious change. As we feel our bond with the film, our involvement has ceased, until fails. Only now do I explain
the uncertainty with which many critics commented on the film, probably buffeted between the show's first half and that of the second. It is impossible to recommend for or against. Go see it and get an idea.
The third film "Cosmonaut" (telling me to be more successful) I refused to see him, because it focuses on the same historical period of the other two, and there is a limit to the monotony.
The great dream: the film Placido and adolescent, as if wanting to give a compliment. The direction is good, as it was in "Romanzo Criminale", what is lacking compared to that film is a script of some consistency (and here it is time for manufacturers by requiring directors to rely on professional writers for the text, instead leave them at the mercy of their crazy inspiration often comes down to arrange stuff with felt here and there). The story unfolds like this: one day there is a normal life, another day a child is rejected in a test and ... 68! But the most annoying thing is that the characters are absolutely stereotyped, and thus the dialogues are banal and predictable, coming to elicit in the viewer a sense of tenderness toward the actors, tenderness that turns into anger, pity or even in the event of proven relationship with a member of the company. The film takes a bit 'last half hour, after a couple of plot twists, but it's too late. I swear that after the first ten minutes I wanted to get up and go home, feeling that I had tried before, only with "The Hand of God" Risi son. Placido
passed after the festival to scream (correctly) against attacks coming from members of government, and not dwarves, not knowing that the controversy is just a public success otherwise inexplicable, because I doubt that word of mouth has helped.
I read an article that spoke ill of the film, but which explained the extenuating circumstances in the title How difficult it is to tell the 68 '. I beg to differ. Without reference to the masterpieces of neo-realism able to concentrate in the history of an individual suffering of a whole historical period, I will tell you: beware of "Milk." The themes are similar: the mass movement and political revolution, in an environment steeped in bigotry and skepticism, the boarding only with gays instead of the Marxists. The film is a moving masterpiece, which has the merit of never take for granted the knowledge of the events.
Baarìa : the speech Tornatore is different. If that Placido is a bad film failed, this is a film that could get better. During the first hour and a half I have witnessed Tornatore already seen and appreciated, master of a poetic style that becomes a brand, a key capable of dragging the audience at the treasure chest in which lies the secret past of the director. At the break I thought it impossible that the film might lose the Oscar, and yet after watching the second hour and a half I'm sure you will lose. In practice Tornatore, who at the first break has almost exhausted the story of generational change, has the bad idea even reach the third generation. The movie is accelerated abrupt and unnatural, which leads him to touch all of smear the events of Italian history up to the present day ... and then come back! At that point the public is really tired. I felt lucky to live in 2010, because if the Italian history had lasted another 30 years, the film would go on for another hour.
The second part of the story is boring, and especially unnecessary since it is used by the director to pull too many hooks launched earlier (lost magic items, etc..) To which the viewer does not feel the need to take the bait because it was absolutely forgotten, or at least, he had already seemed poetic and perfect in their imperfection. Once again the range of the manufacturer would be appreciated.
Making a comparison with "Cinema Paradiso", then there is the weakness of the objective of the protagonist, who seems not to drag the audience. If in fact the dream of becoming a director succeeds in involving the audience for its universal character, to become political only at the beginning is seen as a pure dream, while the second part is fouled by the impact with reality, and then becomes almost wanted to get more than willing to be, to do, and this happens without the protagonist suffers a conscious change. As we feel our bond with the film, our involvement has ceased, until fails. Only now do I explain
the uncertainty with which many critics commented on the film, probably buffeted between the show's first half and that of the second. It is impossible to recommend for or against. Go see it and get an idea.
The third film "Cosmonaut" (telling me to be more successful) I refused to see him, because it focuses on the same historical period of the other two, and there is a limit to the monotony.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Scar Tissue Removal Knee Surgery
... I've never been the most likely candidate for the job. When we started we had little money and few endorsements. Our campaign was not concocted in the corridors Washington: it is playing by the courts in Des Moines, from the salons of Concord, from the porches of Charleston. It was built by working men and women who have dug into their meager savings to pay 5, 10, $ 20 for the cause. It has become stronger thanks to the young people who rejected the myth of their generation, who have left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep. Drew strength from those people no longer so young people who braved the bitter cold and sweltering heat to knock on the door to strangers, and those millions of Americans who have worked as volunteers and coordinated, and have demonstrated that they more than two centuries after that a government of the people, by the people and for the people is still possible. This is your victory.

Barak Obama's speech after winning the presidential election
... best wishes to Ignazio Marino.
Neoware Eon Boot To Usb
Uff ... After Bush
Tomorrow comes THE FACT, the new newspaper direct by Padellaro, with Labor, Columbus and many others.

Tomorrow comes THE FACT, the new newspaper direct by Padellaro, with Labor, Columbus and many others.
Unfortunately the spread, at least in the early months, it will be very small and therefore will not come to my city.
I'll have to get up a 'Oretta first and go from San Benedetto del Tronto in Porto San Giorgio to buy it.
Patience: those who fear a threat to the 'information in Italy to act now ... or be silent forever.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hair Dryer With Brush Attachment
My generation
My generation has climbed the decades as the gnomes crossing the mountains.
My generation has climbed the decades as the gnomes crossing the mountains.
born in the sixties we've been away way too young, too male, too imiglioriamici!, Too left, too nonèunacosapossibile "assholes too, too much at work ...
My generation lives of memories ... but not too much.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
My Female Dog Leaks Clear
2019 Democratic primary

Palasport Acquasparta - While continuing to fall from the balloon and flag had just been elected the new secretary continues to say goodbye to the stage, flowing notes of the soundtrack of these early 2019, performed by Stefano Rosso:
" ... And then you hear what fo 'do not give you satisfaction'
become whatever anarchist or radical "
was not easy to race against the nominees proposed by Facebook and those released by the caucus of the Regions Red: 142 names, all with high standards.
But the new secretary had already imposed TV in the meeting, where they were drawn in fifty, responding to questions brilliantly Red Ronnie and Antonio Socci.
Especially effective was its position on Marian apparitions and all politics on the Net
Delegates shaman slowly towards the exit where un'eccitatissimo Bruno Vespa tries to interview someone because of their special night. The music continues, and everyone smiles, happy that tomorrow you will speak with one voice, politically and perhaps responding in kind to the principal exponent of the party against us: that Di Pietro there!
... And then you hear what fo ' I do not give satisfaction '
become more liberal I do not pay' taxes
waterfalls and I swear if not after the fo ' "
down the curtain, tomorrow is back to doing politics.
sent from your Unit , Valeria Marini.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Where To Watch Salieri Movies Free
Flag blue triumphant

" TG1, TG2, news special tonight at home all the news is"
Antonello Venditti - the news and
Surely I misunderstood you, tonight I'll see if reply: TG1 envoy in Kabul, speaking from a hospital where implants instead of the arms, hands and feet missing, and filled with young children, said that these amputations were the result of "30 years of civil war."
................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. war ............. Civil?
And the Soviet invasion of the Warsaw Pact? And the current invasion of the Americans and NATO?
Perhaps the television news the time has come to the receiver.
"... and when you're the fruit, the city is destroyed"
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Where To Find Jordan Almonds In Toronto Stores
Berlusconi attacks Republic:

"It's a journalism diverted"
August 10, 2009 night of shooting stars.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
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